• Welcome to hospitality management 


Available courses

Front office operations refer to the customer-facing functions in businesses, primarily in hospitality, banking, and service industries. It includes roles and responsibilities that involve direct interaction with clients or customers, such as reception, concierge, reservations, and customer service. In a hotel, for example, front office operations are responsible for checking in and checking out guests, managing reservations, addressing guest inquiries, and ensuring overall customer satisfaction. The front office serves as the first point of contact and plays a crucial role in shaping the customer experience, ensuring smooth operations, and maintaining a positive relationship with clients.


Laundry operations involve the cleaning of clothes, textiles, and other fabric items using a combination of washing, drying, and folding processes. The basic steps typically include:

  1. Sorting: Clothes are sorted based on fabric type, color, and level of dirtiness to prevent damage and ensure effective cleaning.

  2. Washing: Items are washed using water, detergent, and sometimes other cleaning agents in a washing machine or by hand. This process may involve soaking, scrubbing, and using various cycles depending on the material and type of stain.

  3. Drying: After washing, clothes are dried using methods like air drying, tumble drying, or pressing. The drying method depends on the fabric type and care instructions.


Baking Technology Level 4 (Cake Production and Decoration Option) qualification consists of competencies that an individual must achieve to enable him/her to perform bakery operations comprising of production of a variety of cakes and decorate them using a variety of methods and techniques.

The units of competency comprising Baking Technology Level 4 qualification include the following:

Basic Units of Learning

Unit Code

Unit Title

Duration in Hours

Credit Factor


Communication Skills




Numeracy Skills




Digital Literacy




Entrepreneurial Skills




Employability Skills




Environmental Literacy




Occupational Safety and Health Practices







Common Units of Learning

Unit Code

Unit Title

Duration in Hours

Credit Factor


Bakery Raw Materials




Bakery Plant and Equipment







Core Units of Learning (Elective)

Unit Code

Unit Title

Duration in Hours

For any two elective units

Credit Factor


Cake Production





Cake Decoration





Industrial attachment








  Grand total





Entry Requirements

An individual entering this course should have any of the following minimum requirements:

a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)


b) Certificate in Baking Technology Level 3


c) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)


Trainer Qualification

A trainer for Baking Technology level 4 should have at least Baking Technology level 5 qualification.


Industrial attachment

An individual enrolled in this course will undergo industrial attachment for a period of 300 hours in a Bakery establishment.



The course will be assessed at two levels:

a) Internal assessment: conducted continuously by the trainer (internal assessor) who is monitored by an accredited internal verifier.

b) External assessment: conducted by an accredited external assessor who is monitored by an accredited external verifier.


The assessors and verifiers are accredited by TVET CDACC which also coordinates external assessment.





An individual will be awarded a Certificate of Competency on demonstration of competence in a unit of competency. To be awarded National Baking Technology Level 4 Certificate, an individual must demonstrate competence in all the units of competency in this pack.


These certificates will be awarded by TVET CDACC in conjunction with the training provider.












Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Communication Skills


Duration of Unit: 20 Hours


Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required demonstrate communication skills. It involves obtaining and conveying workplace information, completing relevant work-related documents, communicating information about workplace processes, leading workplace discussion and communicating workplace issues.   


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Obtain and convey workplace information

2. Complete relevant work-related documents

3. Communicate information about workplace processes

4. Lead workplace discussions

5. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Obtain and convey workplace information


· Communication process

· Modes of communication

· Medium of communication

· Effective communication

· Barriers to communication

· Flow of communication

· Sources of information

· Types of questions

· Organizational policies

· Workplace etiquette

· Ethical work practices in handling communication

· Interview

· Third party reports

2. Complete relevant work-related documents

· Types and purposes of workplace documents and forms

· Methods used in filling forms and documents

· Recording workplace data

· Process of distributing workplace forms and documents

· Report writing

· Types of workplace reports

· Interview

· Third party reports

3. Communicate information about workplace processes


· Communication process

· Modes of communication

· Medium of communication

· Effective communication

· Barriers to communication

· Flow of communication

· Sources of information

· Organizational policies

· Organization requirements for written and electronic communication methods

· Report writing

· Effective questioning techniques (clarifying and probing)

· Workplace etiquette

· Ethical work practices in handling communication


· Interview

· Portfolio

4. Lead workplace discussion


· Methods of discussion e.g.

· Coordination meetings

· Toolbox discussion

· Peer-to-peer discussion

· Solicitation of response

· Interview

· Third party reports

5. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace


· Identification of problems and issues

· Organizing information on problems and issues

· Relating problems and issues

· Communication barriers affecting workplace discussions

· Interview

· Portfolio


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Direct instruction

· Demonstration

· Practice assignment

· Discussion

· Role play

· Brainstorming


Recommended Resources

· Desktop computers/laptops

· Internet connection

· Projectors

· Telephone

· Report writing templates





Relationship to Occupational Standards:

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Numeracy Skills


Duration of Unit: 25 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate numeracy skills. It involves identifying and using whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work, identifying, measuring and estimating familiar quantities for work, reading and using familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work, identifying and describing common 2D and some 3D shapes for work, constructing simple tables and graphs for work using familiar data and identifying and interpreting information in familiar tables, graphs and charts for work.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work

2. Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work

3. Read and use familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work

4. Identify and describe common 2D and some 3D shapes for work

5. Construct simple tables and graphs for work using familiar data

6. Identify and interpret information in familiar tables, graphs and charts for work


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Identify and use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work

· Whole numbers

· Simple fractions

· Decimals

· Percentages

· Sizes

· Problem solving methods

· Calculations using the 4 operations

· Recording and communicating numerical information

· Written

· Practice assignments


2.  Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work


· Measurement information

· Units of measurement

· Estimate familiar and simple amounts

· Selection of appropriate measuring equipment

· Calculate using familiar units of measurement

· Check measurements and results against estimates

· Using informal and some formal mathematical and general language

· Record or report results

· Written

· Practice assignments


3.  Read and use familiar maps, plans and diagrams for work


· Maps, plans and diagrams

· Locate items and places in familiar maps, plans and diagrams

· Recognize common symbols and keys in familiar maps, plans and diagrams

· Direction and location of objects, or route or places

· Use of informal and some formal oral mathematical language and symbols

· Practical test

· Written


4.  Identify and describe common 2D and some 3D shapes for work


· Common 2D shapes and 3D shapes

· Classification of common 2D shapes and designs

· Description of   Use informal and some formal language to describe common two-dimensional shapes and some common three-dimensional shapes

· Construction of common 2D shapes

· Match common 3D shapes to their 2D sketches or nets

· Written

· Practical test


5.  Construct simple tables and graphs for work using familiar data


· Types of graphs

· Determination of data to be collected

· Selection of data collection method

· Collection of data

· Determination of variables from the data collected

· Order and collate data

· Construct a table and enter data

· Construct a graph using data from table

· Check results

· Report or discuss graph information related to work using informal and some formal mathematical and general language

· Written

· Practical test


6. Identify and interpret information in familiar tables, graphs and charts for work


· Tables construction and labeling

· i.e. title, headings, rows and columns

· Interpreting information and data in simple tables

· Relaying information of relevant workplace tasks on/in a table

· Identify familiar graphs and charts in familiar texts and contexts

· Locate title, labels, axes, scale and key from familiar graphs and charts

· Identify and interpret information and data in familiar graphs and charts

· Relate information to relevant workplace tasks

· Written

· Practical test



Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Instructor led facilitation of theory

· Practical demonstration of tasks by trainer

· Practice by trainees/ role play

· Discussion

· Observations and comments and corrections by trainers


Recommended Resources

· Computers

· Stationery

· Charts

· Video clips

· Audio tapes

· LCD projectors

· Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals

· Specific job procedures manuals

· Projectors

· Writing boards

· Mathematical tables







Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Digital Literacy


Duration of Unit: 35 hours


Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate digital literacy in a working environment. It entails identifying computer software and hardware, applying security measures to data, hardware, software, applying computer software in solving task sand applying internet and email in communication at workplace.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Identify computer software and hardware

2. Apply security measures to data, hardware and software

3. Apply computer software in solving tasks

4. Apply internet and email in communication at workplace


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Identify computer hardware and software


· Meaning of a computer

· Functions of a computer

· Components of a computer

· Classification of computers

· Written tests

· Oral

· Observation

2. Apply security measures to data, hardware and software

· Data security and control

· Security threats and control measures

· Types of computer crimes

· Detection and protection against computer crimes

· Written tests

· Oral presentation

· Observation

· Projects

3. Apply computer software in solving tasks


· Operating system

· Word processing

· Spread sheets

· Data base

· Oral questioning

· Observation

· Project

4. Apply internet and email in communication at workplace

· Computer networks

· Uses of internet

· Electronic mail (e-mail) concept

· Oral questioning

· Observation

· Oral presentation

· Written report


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Instructor led facilitation of theory

· Demonstration by trainer

· Practical assignment

· Viewing of related videos

· Project

· Group discussions


Recommended Resources

· Desktop computers

· Laptop computers

· Other digital devices

· Printers

· Storage devices

· Internet access

· Computer software






Relationship to occupational standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Entrepreneurial Skills


Duration of unit: 60 hours


Unit description

This unit covers the competencies required for creating and maintaining small scale business, establishing small business customer base, managing and growing a micro/small-scale business.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Create and maintain small scale business

2. Establish small scale business customer base

3. Manage small scale business

4. Grow/expand small scale business


   Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Create and maintain small scale business


· Starting a small business

· Legal regulatory requirements in starting a small business

· SWOT/ PESTEL analysis

· Conducting market/industry survey

· Generation and evaluation of business ideas

· Matching competencies with business opportunities

· Forms of business ownership

· Location of a small business

· Legal and regulatory requirement

· Resources required to start a small business

· Common terminologies in entrepreneurship

· Entrepreneurship in national development

· Self-employment  

· Formal and informal employment

· Entrepreneurial culture

· Myths associated with entrepreneurship

· Types, characteristics, qualities & role of entrepreneurs

· History, development and importance of entrepreneurship

· Theories of entrepreneurship

· Quality assurance for small businesses

· Policies and procedures on occupational safety and health and environmental concerns

· Individual/group assignments

· projects

· Written

· Oral


2. Establish small scale business customer base


· Good staff/workers and customer relations

· Marketing strategy

· Identifying and maintain new customers and markets

· Product/ service promotions

· Products / services diversification

· SWOT / PESTEL analysis

· Conducting a business survey

· Generating Business ideas

· Business opportunities

· Individual/group assignments

· projects

· Written

· Oral

3. Manage small scale business


· Organization of a small business

· Small business’ business plan

· Marketing for small businesses

· Managing finances for small business

· Production/ operation process for goods/services

· Small business records management

· Book keeping and auditing for small businesses

· Business support services

· Small business resources mobilization and utilization

· Basic business social responsibility

· Management of small business

· Word processing concepts in small business management

· Computer application software

· Monitoring and controlling business operations

· Oral

· Individual/group assignments

· projects

· Written


4. Grow/expand small scale business


· Methods of growing small business

· Resources for growing small business

· Small business growth plan

· Computer software in business development

· ICT and business growth  

· Individual/group assignments

· projects

· Written


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Instructor led facilitation of theory

· Demonstration by trainer

· Practice by trainee

· Role play

· Case study


Recommended Resources

· Case studies for small businesses

· Business plan templates

· Lap top/ desk top computer

· Internet

· Telephone

· Writing materials




Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Employability Skills


Duration of Unit: 30 hours


Unit Description

This unit covers competencies required to demonstrate employability skills. It involves conducting self-management, demonstrating critical safe work habits, demonstrating workplace learning and workplace ethics.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Conduct self-management

2. Demonstrate critical safe work habits  

3. Demonstrate workplace learning

4. Demonstrate workplace ethics


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Conduct self-management

· Self-awareness

· Formulating personal vision, mission and goals

· Strategies for overcoming life challenges

· Emotional intelligence

· Assertiveness

· Expressing personal thoughts, feelings and beliefs

· Developing and maintaining high self-esteem

· Developing and maintaining positive self-image

· Articulating ideas and aspirations

· Accountability and responsibility

· Good work habits

· Self-awareness

· Self-development

· Financial literacy

· Healthy lifestyle practices

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio of evidence

· Third party report

2. Demonstrate critical safe work habits  

· Stress and stress management

· Punctuality and time consciousness

· Interpersonal communication  

· Sharing information

· Leisure  

· Integrating personal objectives into organizational objectives

· Resources utilization

· Setting work priorities

· HIV and AIDS

· Drug and substance abuse

· Handling emerging issues

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio of evidence

· Third party report

3. Demonstrate workplace learning


· Personal training needs identification and assessment

· Managing own learning

· Contributing to the learning community at the workplace

· Cultural aspects of work

· Variety of learning context

· Application of learning

· Safe use of technology

· Identifying opportunities

· Workplace innovation

· Performance improvement

· Handling emerging issues

· Future trends and concerns in learning

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio of evidence

· Third party report 

4. Demonstrate workplace ethics

· Meaning of ethics

· Ethical perspectives

· Principles of ethics

· Values  and beliefs

· Ethical standards

· Organization code of ethics

· Common ethical dilemmas

· Organization culture

· Corruption, bribery and conflict of interest

· Privacy and data protection

· Diversity, harassment and mutual respect

· Financial responsibility/accountability

· Etiquette

· Personal and professional integrity

· Commitment to jurisdictional laws

· Emerging issues in ethics

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio of evidence

· Third party report


Suggested Methods of Instructions

· Simulation/Role play

· Group Discussion

· Presentations

· Q&A

· Case studies

· Assignments


Recommended Resources

· Computers

· Stationery

· Charts

· Video clips

· Audio tapes

· Radio sets

· TV sets

· LCD projectors






Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Environmental Literacy


Duration of Unit: 20 hours


Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to demonstrate environmental literacy. It involves controlling environmental hazard, controlling environmental pollution, demonstrating sustainable resource use and evaluating current practices in relation to resource usage.  


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Control environmental hazard

2. Control environmental pollution

3. Demonstrate sustainable use of resources

4. Evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Control environmental hazard

· Purposes and content of Environmental Management and Coordination Act 1999

· Purposes and content of Solid Waste Act

· Storage methods for environmentally hazardous materials

· Disposal methods of hazardous wastes

· Types and uses of PPE in line with environmental regulations

· Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)

· Written tests

· Oral questions

· Observation of work procedures

2. Control environmental Pollution

· Types of pollution

· Environmental pollution control measures

· Types of solid wastes

· Procedures for solid waste management

· Different types of noise pollution

· Methods for minimizing noise pollution

· Written tests

· Oral questions

· Observation of work procedures

· Role play

3. Demonstrate sustainable resource use

· Types of resources

· Techniques in measuring current usage of resources

· Calculating current usage of resources

· Methods for minimizing wastage

· Waste management procedures

·  Principles of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

· Methods for economizing or reducing resource consumption

· Written tests

· Oral questions

· Observation of work procedures


4. Evaluate current practices in relation to resource usage

· Collection of information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures,

· Measurement and recording of current resource usage

· Analysis and recording of current purchasing strategies.

· Analysis of current work processes to access information and data

· Identification of areas for improvement

· Written tests

· Oral questions

· Observation of work procedures


5. Identify Environmental legislations/conventions for environmental concerns

· Environmental issues/concerns

· Environmental legislations /conventions and local ordinances  

· Industrial standard /environmental practices  

· International Environmental Protocols (Montreal, Kyoto)

· Features of an environmental strategy

· Written tests

· Oral questions

· Observation of work procedures



Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Instructor led facilitation of theory

· Practical demonstration of tasks by trainer

· Practice by trainees/ role play

· Discussion

· Observations and comments and corrections by trainers


Recommended Resources

· Computers

· Stationery

· Charts

· Video clips

· Audio tapes

· Radio sets

· TV sets

· LCD projectors

· Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals

· Specific job procedures manuals

· Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions

· Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)






Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate Occupational Safety and Health Practices


Duration of Unit: 20 hours


Unit Description

This unit specifies the competencies required to practice safety and health and comply   with OSH requirements relevant to work. It involves adhering to workplace procedures for hazards and risk prevention and participating in arrangements for workplace safety and health maintenance.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Adhere to workplace procedures for hazards and risk prevention

2. Participate in arrangements for workplace safety and health maintenance


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment


1. Adhere to workplace procedures for hazards and  risk prevention

· Arrangement of work area and items in accordance with Company housekeeping procedures

· Adherence to work standards and procedures

· Application of preventive and control measures, including use of safety gears/PPE

· Study and apply standards and procedures for incidents and emergencies.

· Oral questions

· Written tests

· Portfolio of evidence

· Third party report


2. Participate in arrangements for workplace safety and health maintenance

·  Participating in orientations on OSH requirements/regulations of tasks

· Providing feedback on health, safety, and security concerns to appropriate personnel as required in a sufficiently detailed manner

· Practice workplace procedures for reporting hazards, incidents, injuries and sickness

· OSH requirements/ regulations and workplace safety and hazard control procedures are reviewed, and compliance reported to appropriate personnel

· Identification of needed OSH-related trainings are proposed to appropriate personnel

· Oral questions

· Written tests

· Portfolio of evidence

· Third party report




Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Assigments

· Discussion

· Q&A

· Role play

· Viewing of related videos


Recommended Resources

· Computers

· Stationery

· Charts

· Video clips

· Audio tapes

· Radio sets

· TV sets

· LCD projectors

· Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures manuals

· Specific job procedures manuals

· Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications and instructions

· Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) e.g.

§ Mask                                                                 

§ Face mask/shield

§ Safety bootsn

§ Safety harness

§ Arm/Hand guard, gloves

§ Eye protection (goggles, shield)

§ Hearing protection (ear muffs, ear plugs)

§ Hair Net/cap/bonnet

§ Hard hat

§ Face protection (mask, shield)

§ Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit

§ Anti-static suits

§ High-visibility reflective vest



















Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Knowledge of Bakery Raw material

Duration of Unit: 30 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate knowledge of wheat flour and other flours used in baking. It also entails demonstrating knowledge of leavening agents, fats and oils, moistening agents, sweeteners, flavouring and colouring agents, additives, fruits and nuts as raw materials in baking and packaging materials used in baking.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge of:

1. Wheat flour

2. Other flours used in baking

3. Leavening agents

4. Fats and oils

5. Moistening agents

6. Sweeteners

7. Flavouring and colouring agents

8. Additives

9. Fruits and nuts

10. Packaging materials used in baking


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Demonstrate knowledge of wheat flour as a bakery raw material 

Wheat flour:

· Composition of wheat

· Types of wheat flour

· Flour characteristics

· Flour physical properties

· Flour storage

· Written tests

· Observation

· Interviewing

2. Demonstrate knowledge of other flours used in baking 

Other flours used in baking:

· Identification

· Characteristics

· Uses and functions

· Physical properties

· Written tests

· Observation

· Interviewing

3. Demonstrate knowledge of leavening agents as raw materials in baking

Leavening agents:

· Introduction

· Types

· Physical properties

· Uses and functions

· Storage

· Written tests

· Interviewing

4. Demonstrate knowledge of fats and oils as raw materials in baking

Fats and oils

· Definition

· Sources

· Types of fats and oils

· Spoilage and preservation

· Uses and functions

· Written tests

· Interviewing

5. Demonstrate knowledge of moistening agents as raw materials in baking

Moistening agents:

· Definition of terms

· Types

· Characteristics

· Uses in bakery

· Storage

· Processing of moistening agents

· Written tests


6. Demonstrate knowledge of sweeteners as raw materials in baking


· Definition of terms

· Sources

· Types

· Processing

· physical properties

· Functions in bakery

· Storage

· Written tests

· Interviewing

7. Demonstrate knowledge of flavouring and colouring agents as raw materials in baking

Flavouring and colouring agents

· Definition

· Sources

· Types

· Uses/roles in baking

· physical components

· Storage

· Written tests

· Interviewing

8. Demonstrate knowledge of additives as raw materials in baking


· Definition

· Sources

· Types

· Characteristics

· Uses/roles

· Storage

· Biological properties

· Written tests


9. Demonstrate knowledge of fruits and nuts as raw materials in baking

Fruits and nuts:

· Types

· Characteristics

· Uses /roles

· Physical properties

· Written tests

· Interviewing

10. Demonstrate knowledge of packaging materials used in baking

Packaging materials:

· Types and sizes

· Quality

· Written tests

· Interviewing


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Direct instruction

· Assignments

· Field trips

· Discussions

· Demonstration by trainer

· Practice by trainee

List of Recommended Resources

· Computers

· Stationery

· Internet

· Projectors

· Charts

· Assorted samples of baking raw materials

· Labortory resources:

· Reagents

· Apparatus

· Assorted samples





Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Demonstrate Knowledge of Bakery Plant and Equipment.

Duration of Unit: 30 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to demonstrate knowledge of plant lay-out, equipment and machinery, maintenance, hygiene, safety, security and bakery tools and equipment inventory management.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate knowledge of:

1. Plant lay-out

2. Equipment and machinery

3. Hygiene

4. Safety

5. Security

6. Bakery tools and equipment inventory management


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Demonstrate knowledge of bakery plant lay-out

Bakery plant lay-out

· Introduction

· Bakery siting and location

· Sections in a bakery plant

· Flow charts

· Legislation

· Written tests

· Interviewing

2. Demonstrate knowledge of bakery equipment and machinery

Bakery equipment and machinery

· Definition of terms

· Selection

· Use and care

· Emerging equipment and machinery


· Written tests

· Interviewing

3. Demonstrate knowledge of bakery hygiene

Bakery hygiene

· Importance

· Basic hygiene rules

· Cleaning agents

· Cleaning materials and equipment

· Cleaning of different surfaces

· Legislation

· Written tests

· Interviewing

4. Demonstrate knowledge of safety in the bakery

Bakery safety

· Requirements

· Precautions

· Fire safety

· First aid

· Legislation

· Written tests

· Interviewing

5. Demonstrate knowledge of security in the bakery

Bakery security

· Importance

· Security systems

· Personnel

· Written tests

· Interviewing

6. Demonstrate knowledge of bakery tools and equipment inventory management

· Tools and equipment inventory

· Issuing of tools and equipment

· Receiving of tools and equipment

· Storage

· Written tests

· Interviewing


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Direct instruction

· Assignments

· Field trips

· Discussions

· Q&A

List of Recommended Resources

· Computers

· Stationery

· Internet

· Projectors

· Charts

· Assorted bakery tools and equipment 



















Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Produce Cake

Duration of Unit: 120 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to produce cakes. It involves planning and preparing for production of various cakes, weighing and mixing ingredients, scaling and panning the cake batter; baking, de-panning and cooling the cake. It also entails wrapping and packaging the cake.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Plan and prepare for production of cakes

2. Prepare cake ‘batter’

3. Prepare cake batter for baking

4. Prepare oven for cake baking

5. Prepare cake for display and dispatch

6. Prepare and make selected cakes


Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Plan and prepare for production of cakes

· Introduction to cake baking

· Definition of terms

· Safety in the bakery

· Food hygiene and sanitation

· Cake ingredients

· Cake preparation methods  

· Types of cakes

· Legal framework relating to baked products

· Costing

· Sustainable resource use

· Waste management

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

2. Prepare cake ‘batter’


· Cake recipe balancing

· Cake ingredients

· Tools and equipment for cake batter making

· Cake batter making methods:

· Sugar batter

· Flour batter

· Blended method

· Whisking method

· Continuous production method

· Creaming method

· All in method

· No bake method

· Steam method

· Cake batter faults: Causes and remedies


· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

3. Prepare cake batter for baking


· Tools and equipment for preparation of cake batter for baking

· Depositing of cake batter

· Topping

· Cake batter depositing faults: Causes and remedies

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

4. Prepare oven for cake baking


· Baking tools and equipment

· Oven setting and control

· Baking faults in cakes: Causes and remedies




· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

5. Prepare cakes for display and dispatch

· Tools and equipment used in preparing cakes for display and dispatch

· Materials for wrapping and packaging cakes

· Portioning of cakes

· Cake display

· Packaging of cakes

· Storage of cakes

· Basic cake decoration

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

6. Prepare and bake selected cakes

· Baking of cakes

· Recipe balancing/adjustment

· Weighing ingredients

· Ingredients mixing

· Cake batter making

· Cake batter scaling

· Cake batter depositing

· Baking cakes

· Prepare cakes for display

· Packaging and dispatching cakes


NB: Cakes that MUST be produced:

· Sponge cakes

· Fruit cakes

· Plain cakes

· Specialty cakes

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Direct instruction

· Field trips

· Discussions

· Demonstration

· Q&A


List of Recommended Resources:


Internet connectivity



· Cake making flour

· Cake margarine

· Sugar

· Eggs

· Milk

· Baking powder

· Assorted fruits

· Assorted flavours

· Food colour

· Choc chips

Tools and equipment:

· Cake mixers

· Cake ovens

· Assorted cake baking tins

· Assorted cake baking trays

· Whisks

· Cake beaters

· Spoons

· Wooden spatula

· Scrappers

· Assorted cake bowls

· Flour sieves

· Cake trolleys


· Food handlers’ gloves

· Face masks

· Aprons

· Hair net

· Chefs’ cap

· Safety boots

· Hand gloves

· Oven gloves

General supplies

· Cleaning materials

· Laboratory materials and reagents

· Cake supplies



Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the Unit of Competency: Decorate cakes

Duration of Unit: 120 hours

Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required to decorate cakes. It involves planning and preparing for cake decoration, trimming, levelling and shaping the cake, coating and masking the cake crumb and application of selected cake decoration and sugar craft techniques. It also entails decorating selected cakes and displaying, packaging and dispatching the decorated cakes.


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1. Plan and prepare for cake decoration operations

2. Level, trim and shape the cake

3. Tort, moisten and fill cake

4. Coat the cake crumb

5. Mask the cake

6. Apply sugar craft techniques

7. Decorate selected cakes

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1. Plan and prepare for cake decoration operations 

 Introduction to cake decoration

· Definition of terms

· Safety in the bakery

· Food hygiene and sanitation

· Cake decoration ingredients

· Cake decoration methods and techniques

· Legal framework relating to baked products

· Costing

· Sustainable resource use

· Waste management

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

2. Trim, shape and level the cake

· Types of cakes

· Tools and equipment for cake trimming and levelling

· Sketching, illustration and design in cake decoration

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

3. Tort, moisten and fill cake

· Torting, moistening and filling of cakes

· Tools and equipment

· Ingredients and their preparation

· Moistening and filling of cakes   

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

4. Coat the cake crumb

· Cake decoration media recipe balancing

· Tools and equipment for cake crumb coating

· Cake decoration ingredients

· Preparation of cake crumb coating medium

· Crumb coating techniques

· Cake structuring

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

5. Mask/Ice the cake

· Tools and equipment for cake masking

· Preparation of cake masking medium

· Cake masking techniques

· Types of cake decoration

· Materials and supplies used in cake decoration

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

6. Apply sugar craft techniques

· Tools and equipment

· Materials and supplies

· Methods and techniques of sugar craft

· Preparation of sugar craft products

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report

7. Decorate  selected cakes


· Selection of tools and equipment for cake decoration

· Selection of cake decoration ingredients

· Cake decoration recipe balancing  

· Trimming. levelling and shaping of cakes

· Torting, moistening of cakes

· Preparation of cake crumb coating medium

· Preparation of cake masking medium

· Application of selected cake decoration techniques

· Display of decorated cakes

· Packaging and dispatch of decorated cakes


NB: Cake decoration techniques that MUST be covered:

· Sponge cake

· Wedding cakes

· Birthday cakes

· Character cakes

· Themed cakes

· Creative cake decoration design

Sugar Craft techniques that MUST be covered: 

· Gum paste

· Flour paste

· Fordant

· Butter icing

· Royal icing

· Whipping

· Ganache

· Rose flower

· Lily calla lily

· Carnation

· blossom

· Observation

· Written tests

· Oral questioning

· Portfolio

· Third party report


Suggested Methods of Instruction

· Direct instruction

· Field trips

· Discussions

· Demonstration

· Practice

· Q&A


List of Recommended Resources:


Internet connectivity



· Icing sugar

· Cake margarine

· Eggs

· Assorted fruits

· Assorted flavours

· Food colour

· White and dark chocolate

· Whipping cream

· Gelatin

· Glycerin

· Glucose syrup

· Sugar syrup

· Ganache

· Motifs

· Vermicelli

· Sugar flowers

· Ribbons

· Edible paper

· Assorted seeds

Tools and equipment:

· Cake mixers

· Whisks

· Cake beaters

· Spoons

· Wooden spatula

· Scrappers

· Assorted cake bowls

· Flour sieves

· Cake trolleys

· Grater

· Turn table

· Pallet knives

· Piping/savoy bags

· Nozzles

· Piping tubes

· Grease proof paper

· Edible paper printer

· Cake stands


· Food handlers’ gloves

· Face masks

· Aprons

· Hair net

· Chefs’ cap

· Safety boots

· Hand gloves

General Supplies:

· Cleaning materials

· Cake decoration supplies

· Cake boards

· Cake boxes

· Cello tape

· Grease proof paper

· Labels

· Stamps and stamp pad

· Packaging materials